About Us
LifeSouth Cord Blood Bank is a community-based public cord blood bank that collects and stores umbilical cord blood for the purpose of clinical cures and research in the field of stem cell transplantation. We participate in the network of public cord blood banks affiliated with the National Marrow Donor Program’s (NMDP) Be The Match Registry* and the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR). LifeSouth Cord Blood Bank is a program of LifeSouth Community Blood Centers that performs community and donor education, cord blood collection and processing, distribution of cord blood units and evaluation of transplant outcomes. We also work to increase the diversity of donors from which cord blood is collected.
Our parent organization, LifeSouth Community Blood Centers, Inc. was founded in 1974. LifeSouth is a 501(c)(3) non-profit community blood supplier for hospitals in Alabama, Florida and Georgia. LifeSouth’s cord blood bank was established in 1998 and is accredited by FACT-NETCORD for cord blood banking in 2007.
LifeSouth received FDA licensure for cord blood manufacturing in June 2013, becoming the fifth cord blood bank nationwide that is licensed by the FDA.
Our Mission
To provide hematopoietic stem cells from umbilical cord blood collections that meet or exceed industry standards for clinical transplantation worldwide.
Our Vision
To be a nationally and internationally recognized public cord blood bank with a reputation for excellence in the field of cellular therapy.

Our Executive Team

Kimberly E. Kinsell
President & CEO
LifeSouth Community Blood Centers, Inc.

Juan Merayo-Rodriguez, MD
Medical Director
LifeSouth Community Blood Centers, Inc.